variety of resources and cool things i like. -- insanely in depth archive of everything tech and text. zines, programs, audios, pdfs- anything. an incredible effort in internet preservation, please explore. -- large in depth catalog of everything mechanical keyboards, another one of my hobbies. i use it a lot to seek out potential builds. very fun to explore and has a very customizable search. -- devil may cry fansite, self explanitory. plenty of downloads and info, worth a browse if you're a fan. :-) -- blinkie and graphic repository, the geoblinkies has a search bar as well- fun to explore.
Cardboardbox -- chiptune composer in your browser. give it a try! it's easy to use.
freakphone's resource repository -- regularly updated webmaster resources, if you're interested in making your own personal site, check it out. -- tired of streaming songs? wanna have your own music collection? check out wacup- a fork of winamp. i use it a lot now instead of spotify, i love the customizability.
spotify downloader -- "but neon, how do i get my songs off stuff like spotify" :-) slides you this link. it downloads directly from youtube based on whats linked in your playlists- not directly from spotify. very useful. it's what i use, you can find similar for other sites- like youtube, of course.