has the memory gone? are you feeling numb? and have i become invisible?

welcome to my webbed site. i made this with my own two hands, perhaps even feet. you dont know. i'm here to put things i enjoy.


a variety bag, of course. i'll post stuff about music i like, games i like, art of mine, maybe even cool things i find online- much like a cool rock a toddler keeps in their pocket.


firestamp computer bestview tos vampbadge winzip8a web-archive-org-web-20091027121216-http-www-geocities-com-pixel-addict09-avril-Blinki web-archive-org-web-20091025025559-http-geocities-com-sahaliehollow-blinkies-mykid web-archive-org-web-20090830210703-http-www-geocities-com-amieechelle-charmed-blinki 0068-mainframe 0166-finfin 0UNAXwj tumblr-inline-p0bn7t4ek-F1ty2vf6-500 tumblr-p9ylut-CElg1vmrb8ao1-r1-250 tumblr-pavzye1-Cr01wiuymwo1-250 tumblr-pc38rqs-NC61u4h28eo8-250 tumblr-pc7k7imu-PJ1w08yg0o2-250


7/25/24 - Added new page for shrines, to be contributed to of course. AND new button provided by my wifey.

7/24/24 - Adding content, mainly page text and other things.